7 Different Types Of Breads Apart From The Usual White And Brown Bread That Are Healthy And Tasty


By Ojasvee Last Updated:


7 Different Types Of Breads Apart From The Usual White And Brown Bread That Are Healthy And Tasty

Bread is something that we cannot live without. It is easy, quick and productive. Bread is so versatile that no matter what you put on it, it tastes amazing. From garlic bread to club sandwiches to everyone's favourite peanut butter and jam sandwiches; we love bread in every form.

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While bread has become a staple in today's diet, there are some types of bread which are too high in sodium and fat that they can actually be bad for you. To save you from that, we have a list of types of bread which are actually healthy for you:

#1. Sprouted grain bread

Sprouted grain bread

Sprouted grain bread can be a wonderful addition to your weight loss routine. Other than having a high nutritional value, this bread also has sprouted grains which take longer to digest. Since your body will have to work harder to digest it, you will burn more calories and feel full for longer.

#2. Honey oat bread

Honey oat bread

Oats, without a doubt, are the best source of carbs. They are gluten-free and high in fibre. A combination of oats and honey can help to lower your cholesterol levels. Honey oat bread is also rich in protein which is always a plus.

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#3. Whole grain bread

Whole grain bread

Whole grains are rich in fibre and nutrients. This is one of the reasons why you find them in most of the healthy products. Whole grain bread is made with a mix of assorted grains which gives you the added benefits of various grains.

#4. Rye bread

Rye bread

The best feature of Rye bread is that it does not increase the blood sugar level as it has a low glycemic index. Rye bread is also a rich source of fibre which is always beneficial. It also has amylase enzyme which helps to break starch into sugar quickly.

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#5. Fruit bread

Fruit bread

If you want to slide to the sweeter side, fruit bread would be a good option. It is made with dry fruits, currants, raisins and cinnamon. This bread is full of proteins and fibres. It would be a perfect companion for your peanut butter sandwich.

#6. Wheat bread

Wheat bread

If you are not fond of flavoured bread, wheat bread can be a better alternative to the white bread. Wheat bread not only has the flour but also the bran and wheat germ as well. This makes this bread rich in fibre and perfect for your sandwiches.

#7. Flaxseed bread

Flaxseed bread

Eating flaxseeds is one of the best ways for the vegans to get the sufficient amount of Omega-3 fatty acids. Flaxseed bread is not only nutty and delicious but good for your heart as well. This bread reduces the chances of strokes, cancer and diabetes. Flaxseeds are good for your hair as well.

These breads are delicious and healthy which is more than one needs when it comes to food. You can eat these breads without feeling guilty or cheating on your diet. Keep yourself full while staying healthy. Replace your white bread with these healthier options and see the difference in yourself.

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