Stop Trying Too Hard To Look For Faults In Others


By Team BollywoodShaadis Last Updated:


Stop Trying Too Hard To Look For Faults In Others

On how many occasions have you refused a marriage proposal just because the girl had very light eyebrows or her ear lobes were too small, almost non-existent? Have you refused to even consider a marriage proposal because the guy looks too geeky, has stubbed chin or pronounces Birthday as Buddayy?

Recently, a cousin of mine said no to a marriage proposal just because the girl’s primary school was not found anywhere in Google Search, sounds atrocious, right?


When you tend to look for minute faults in others and use those faults as basis for not dating that man or woman, then you are said to be displaying symptoms induced by the Seinfeld Syndrome. It’s like you consider yourself too perfect and tend to judge people according to your perceptions and prejudices.

Happens with Everybody, all the Time

This is not some extra-ordinary phenomenon and somewhere all of us suffer from it; this, however, is no reason to think that it is a good habit. I think myself to be justified in rejecting a man who does not know proper English grammar, but am sure many of you’ll be rolling eyes over this.

If you, however, think carefully, you will realize that you have lost some really cool dating and match-making opportunities because you cannot help but find trivial faults in people which at that time seem too colossal to be ignored.

Have you ever thought that someone else might also be preparing a “what’s hot and what’s not” list where you are concerned?

Lesser Chances of Dating and Marriage

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If you keep putting down marriage proposals just because of these inconsequential flaws, then you’ll remain a bachelor/spinster for a good part of your youth; and when it becomes imperative that you marry, you compromise on such things that lead to incompatibility issues later in the life.

You must realize that we are mere mortals and not some divine beings. We all have some or the other flaw which can work against us. The key to a well made match is to overlook petty flaws and differences and consider the virtues that really matter. Compatibility between a man and wife depends more on temperament, mutual understanding, spiritual beliefs and a lot of other factors, which do not include trivial things such as whether he can use fork and knife to eat pizza or not!

Don’t Settle Down for Wrong Reasons

When I say that you may have to compromise here and there when it comes to marriage and life partner, I do not mean to say that you settle down for a man who is shorter than you or a woman who cannot put two and two together!

The basic idea is simple: on a sheet of paper, list the traits and virtues that matter the most to you and then write down the shortcomings which you can overlook. Always remember that happiness in a relationship comes at a price and sometimes the price you pay can mean putting up with “I did not went”.

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