28 Awesome Reasons Why Being In A Relationship Makes Your Life Beautiful And Worthwhile


By Namrata Arora Last Updated:


28 Awesome Reasons Why Being In A Relationship Makes Your Life Beautiful And Worthwhile

Some people say that you do not need another person to make you happy, as you are responsible for your own happiness. Well, we would like to disagree here a bit. Even though your happiness does not completely depend on you having a life partner, a boyfriend or a spouse, your world does become a much happier place to live in with the presence of a loved one. Your days seem brighter, you feel loved and wanted, and there is a sense of positivity in everything you do. Being lonely is the worst thing ever and it takes you to a darker place of your being. So, we thought of compiling all the wonderful things that you experience while you are in a committed and healthy relationship, and how it makes your world a tad bit more beautiful.

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#1. You know how to be giving

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Because you are constantly doing things for your partner, you know the value as well as the art of giving. You learn to have a huge heart for everyone whom you love.

#2. You learn to curb your expectations and still be happy

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In a relationship, a happy one we mean, you learn to be giving without having any expectations in return. You do the things that you do for your partner because you want them to be happy, not so that they do the same or something bigger in return for you.

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#3. You become less selfish

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And more selfless indeed! You are willing to do anything in your capacity to keep the ones you love safe and happy.

#4. You know you belong to someone

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And that is the best feeling in the world! That sense of joy and certainty that you will never be alone, no matter what! And, to know that your existence means the world to someone! Priceless isn’t it?

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#5. And that someone belongs to you

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Not only are you taken, but your partner is too, right? Knowing that you own someone in the most romantic, adorable and positive way gives you much happiness and a sense of belonging.

#6. You are a happy person

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Because you love someone truly and are loved by that person too! Your world is a happier place, birds are always chirping, flowers blooming and you finally feel your life is going in the right direction. Also, the happy hormones seem to like you now. And, this mental stability makes you a happy person, always!

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#7. You can manage your stress well

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Just because you know you are loved and wanted, you have a life to be grateful for, and that cribbing only means wasting precious moments of your life. You learn to be more appreciative of the things you have than crib about the things you don’t. That makes you a pro at managing any kind of stress, thus resulting in a happier and satisfied you!

#8. You have a reason to strive harder

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Because you want a good life not only for yourself, but for your partner too! You want to build a beautiful future together, and for that, you strive to work harder to reach your goals. Isn’t that a good way to lead your life?

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#9. You learn to share

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Because what is yours is theirs and vice versa! You are no longer petty about sharing your stuff as you feel that the two of you are one single unit!

#10. You do not care about being judged

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Because with your partner, you can be who you really are without living in the fear of being judged! Your partner loves you for who you really are and so you do not give a damn if others judge you or not! You are happy being YOU!

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#11. You have your ‘person’

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You know that person who you can rely on, trust, share your secrets with, scream on, fight with, love, cuddle, be yourself with. Yeah! That one.

#12. You continuously evolve

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Because you thrive to be a better person every day, someone who is more understanding, easy-going and easy to live with! Just so that your partner can be comfortable always, and that is how considerate you become as a person!

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#13. You are mentally and emotionally stable

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Because you know you have a person who always has your back, someone who will be there to hold you while you sleep, someone who will guide and support you till the end of eternity.

#14. You feel motivated

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To be better, to do better and to deliver better!

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#15. You have more friends

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Not only your own friends circle, but also that of your partner’s, and those whom you both make together! A big social life makes you a happier and more cheerful person in turn.

#16. You learn to compromise

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Because things that you do give up, seem insignificant in front of the joy that you see on your partner’s face that came due to your compromise.

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#17. You become organised

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Well, at least when you are in the initial phase of your relationship, you keep your pad clean and organised as you do not want your potential spouse to see what a mess your apartment is. And who knows, that might turn into a regular feature, a habit for life!

#18. You know what unconditional love is

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You experience it every day, you treasure it, and know its worth. You do not shy away from showering it on the others you truly love.

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#19. You have something beyond the sex

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Yes that gives you immense pleasure and satisfaction. But, along with that you know how to just cuddle, hug for long pauses without saying a word, kiss without a reason, and leave no opportunity to touch each other.

#20. You get to know yourself better

Image Courtesy: Dil Bole Hadippa!

Because whether it is the good things for which your partner appreciates you or the bad things for which you fight over, you get to learn so much about yourself along with the opportunity to mend your ways and become a better person.

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#21. You become a great listener

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Especially if you are a guy because that is what your girl trains you best at!

#22. You learn to manage your time superbly well

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Because you need to go to work, meet your partner, go for movie and food dates, give time to your family, and manage to take out some time for yourself too. Juggling all of this together makes you a superb planner.

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#23. You get a lot of pampering

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From your partner of course, who loves to spoil you! And come on, can you ever get enough of all that pampering? Never! Thus, pampering equals a happier you, again!

#24. You can speak volumes without uttering a word

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That is the bond you share, which goes beyond words. One glance at your partner's face is all you need to judge what is bothering him or her. And, being able to speak without words is the most comforting and touching feeling you will ever experience in your life.

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#25. You get to try so many new things

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Because you and your partner have different likes and hobbies! Be it sports, dancing, cuisines, adventures or vacation options, you get to try out a variety of new things!

#26. You get a new family

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A serious relationship implies that you love not only your partner, but his/her family too. And, if the family knows how serious you are for one another, they welcome you with open arms. So, imagine your happiness quotient with two loving families? We get it!

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#27. Small things matter the most to you

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Because you now realise and learn to find happiness in the smallest of things! An ‘I love you’ text from your partner that is out of the blue, a peck on the cheek that you receive unexpectedly, a cooked meal on the table when you reach home tired after a long day, and all such little things that make your day.

#28. You spread smiles wherever you go

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A smile is contagious, it spreads positivity and joy. And, people who are happy souls always have a huge one on their faces. So basically, the joy that your relationship gives you makes you a happy person thus, getting a constant smile on your face in turn spreading it everywhere you go. As simple as that!

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Life is too short to be spent alone. Being in a healthy relationship makes it worthwhile in every possible way. And sure there are bad days too, but that is nothing compared to all the fulfilled times you have every day, the memories you build with each passing second and a beautiful life you make for yourselves together as a team!

Cover Image Courtesy: Aashiqui 2
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