9 Fun Ways Singles Can Celebrate Their Singlehood This Valentine's Day


By Sreejan Guha Niyogi Last Updated:


9 Fun Ways Singles Can Celebrate Their Singlehood This Valentine's Day

The most-awaited day for those in love is just around the corner. But wait! While all your friends are busy planning for fun things to do on February 14, are you sulking in your room, consoling yourself for being single?

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Well, we say snap out of it right now! Valentine’s Day is a day of love and is not just meant for those in a relationship. It is also about loving yourself! So, we have five fabulous ideas for you to have a great Valentine’s Day.

#1. Treat yourself!

Valentine's Day For Singles

When was the last time you pampered yourself with a spa treatment? Agreed, that the hectic schedules hardly leave you with any time to take care of yourself. But, why not spend this Valentine’s Day doing just that? So, just book an appointment your favourite spa. And, here is another tempting option- gift yourself that expensive dress you spotted last week at the mall. Who said only a partner can gift you something nice? You can save this day to splurge to your heart's content!

#2. Make your family feel good

Valentine's Day For Singles

Nothing would make you feel as good as doing something for your loved ones. Who said this day of love is only about a partner? So, this Valentine's Day, do something special for your family. You can make them feel great by getting gifts for them, cooking them their favourite meal, or taking them out on a picnic. Trust us, it will be a far more satisfying and fulfilling experience than anything else.

Also Read: 6 Valentine's Day Ideas For Couples In Long-Distance Relationships

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#3. Have a singles party

Valentine's Day For Singles

Do you really need to have a partner to celebrate Valentine’s Day when you have friends? Not really. Get all your single friends together and plan a fun night out. There is so much that you can do together! You can go dancing at your favourite club, have a movie marathon, or any fun ideas that you all agree upon! Or how about an "ex bashing session" with your besties? Sounds fun, right?

#4. Share the love

Valentine's Day For Singles

Have you ever donated something to somebody in need? Try it this Valentine’s Day and notice the immense joy it gives you. And, why give something old and used? Buy something new for a street child, or donate some stationary at an orphanage, buy a new outfit for your maid, or simply buy some treats for the homeless children. There are numerous ways in which you can share Valentine’s love. Trust us, you won’t feel “single and lonely” one bit after this.

#5. Plan a singles trip

Valentine's Day For Singles

Get all your single friends together and plan a fun road trip! If you are short on time, you all can just hop on a flight to your favourite vacation destination and have a blast. If no one is free, you can always have some “me time” and travel all by yourself, exploring the places you have always wanted to see.

Also Read: 6 Unique Romantic Ways To Celebrate Your First Valentine's Day After Marriage

#6. Be adventurous

Valentine's Day For Singles

Challenge yourself to do something you haven’t thought about before or haven't done before but would want to do. Something you never got time to learn or pursue because of your busy schedule. Consider on hobbies you need to focus on and make it a resolution to follow it on a regular basis.

#7. Alcohol is your saviour

Valentine's Day For Singles

What if you don’t have a plus one to go to any bar or café? What if all your friends are busy celebrating the day of romance with the love of their lives? Some of the bars and cafes have offers for free or discounted alcohol, so just go and grab it. Beer will surely make your day and cheer you up. Even singlehood can be fun.

#8 Sleep

Valentine's Day For Singles

The last thing you can do is, ignore and sleep! Ignore the romance and love that is in the air for rest of the world and do what you love the most. Laze around your house, get up and consider the day as a regular one. Follow your schedule, come back home and chill in your pyjamas and blanket.

#9. Be your own Valentine

Valentine's Day For Singles

You can either cook for yourself or treat yourself with what you love, maybe a pizza! Sounds good, no? Involve yourself in something you love doing the most – cooking, painting, shopping, dancing or even gyming. It will give you a break from your work schedule and spend some time doing your hobbies. This will make you realise how beautiful your life is.

So, there is no reason to feel low this Valentine’s Day. Get off the couch, get dolled up and have a rocking Valentine’s Day while enjoying being single.

Next Read: 9 Different Ways To Rock The Colour 'Red' In Your Look This Valentine's Day

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